Simple Baked Salmon with Vegetable Salad Simple Baked Salmon with Vegetable Salad Main Course: 150g salmon (or other fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids): Provides high-quality protein for satiety and serves as a source of healthy fats. Olive oil: Rich in healthy monounsaturated fats. Vegetable Salad: Spinach leaves, tomatoes, cucumbers, avocado, and red onions: Provides ample fiber, vitamins, and minerals, aiding in blood sugar control. Orange Blossom Carrot Soup: Carrots: High in fiber, contributing to stabilized blood sugar. Low-sodium vegetable broth: Offers nutrition without excess sodium. Orange juice: Adds natural sweetness to the soup without the need for added sugars. Ginger and garlic: Provide flavor without additional sugars or sodium. Fresh orange zest and juice: Enhance the soup's taste and nutritional profile. Main Staple: Brown rice or whole-grain rice: Supplies complex carbohydrates, helping maintain stable blood sugar levels. Beverage: Water or unsweetened red tea: Maintains hydration without additional sugars. Why Suitable for Individuals with Diabetes: Low sugar: Avoids high-sugar foods to help control blood sugar levels. High fiber: Vegetables and whole grains offer rich fiber, slowing down carbohydrate absorption and stabilizing blood sugar. Healthy fats: Salmon and olive oil provide healthy fats beneficial for cardiovascular health. Carbohydrate control: Opting for complex carbohydrates over rapidly digestible ones helps maintain blood sugar balance. This lunch recipe is designed to offer balanced nutrition, supporting individuals with diabetes in maintaining healthy eating habits and blood sugar control. Dietary plans should be moderately adjusted based on individual needs and doctor's recommendations.