12 Snacks Suitable for Diabetics, Recommended for Regular Stocking at Home 12 Snacks Suitable for Diabetics, Recommended for Regular Stocking at Home Diabetes patients need to maintain a sense of fullness to avoid low blood sugar and overeating. Here are 12 snacks with strong satiety, minimal impact on blood sugar, and recommended for storage. 1. Tofu Jerky Rich in nutrients, containing high-quality protein and calcium. Natural functional ingredients like soy dietary fiber, soy isoflavones, and soy oligosaccharides slow down glucose absorption. Snack: Not exceeding 100 grams, choose low-salt, sugar-free tofu jerky. 2. Boiled Chickpeas Known as the "king of beans," rich in high-quality protein and dietary fiber. Low glycemic index (GI=36), low in calories, and provides strong satiety. Snack: Not exceeding 50 chickpeas. 3. Boiled Eggs High satiety, rich in protein. Preferably boiled for 7 minutes until the yolk is nearly fully solidified for optimal nutritional value. Snack: 1 egg. 4. Tomatoes Low energy, slow glycemic impact, rich in vitamin C and lycopene. Snack: 1 large tomato or 15-20 cherry tomatoes. 5. Apples Contains polyphenols for stable blood sugar. Rich in dietary fiber, beneficial for preventing heart disease and constipation. Snack: One fist-sized apple, preferably Fuji apples for higher sweetness. 6. Cucumber Low calorie, high in dietary fiber, slow glycemic impact. Suitable for all blood sugar levels. Snack: 1 cucumber. 7. Grapefruit Low-calorie, slow glycemic impact, rich in various nutrients. Suitable for diabetics and those aiming for weight loss. Snack: 1-2 segments, each about 100 grams. 8. Beef Jerky Rich in protein and heme iron. Homemade is preferred to avoid added sugar and salt. Snack: 3-4 pieces, each about 15 grams. 9. Soda Crackers Suitable for diabetics with fewer additives. Snack: Not exceeding 4 pieces. 10. Whole Wheat Bread Choose rye or whole wheat bread for better postprandial blood sugar control. Read food labels, snack: about 1 slice, not exceeding 150 calories. 11. Milk or Yogurt Milk is rich in protein and calcium, aiding in stabilizing blood sugar. Yogurt is a quality snack; check protein and carbohydrate content. Snack: 1 cup, about 250 ml, choose plain milk or yogurt. 12. Plain Nuts Rich in unsaturated fatty acids, protein, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. Moderate consumption helps prevent atherosclerosis. Weekly intake: 50-70 grams, Snack: 2 walnuts, 15 almonds, 4 hazelnuts, 30 plain pistachios, or 15-18 peanuts each time. Note: Daily snack intake should be around 1/10 of the total daily energy intake, equivalent to 1 fist-sized apple + 100 grams of plain yogurt + 2 walnuts.